... or not.
Twice in the last few weeks we told our realtor to get a contract ready for us to sign, then learned in the middle of that process that the house had just gone under contract to some other lucky buyer. This time, at least, we managed to actually complete a bid and successfully transmit it to the seller's broker.
We wait until Monday to find out our bid is rejected (we're not too hopeful, it isn't the strongest bid in the world). And then back to the drawing board. But, hey, this is farther than we've gotten so that has to count for something!
Twice in the last few weeks we told our realtor to get a contract ready for us to sign, then learned in the middle of that process that the house had just gone under contract to some other lucky buyer. This time, at least, we managed to actually complete a bid and successfully transmit it to the seller's broker.
We wait until Monday to find out our bid is rejected (we're not too hopeful, it isn't the strongest bid in the world). And then back to the drawing board. But, hey, this is farther than we've gotten so that has to count for something!
I feel you're pain! We've entered and lost three bidding wars to date. I'm not totally bummed though because they were big compromises. We also didn't bid too aggressively since they weren't our dream houses, so it was kind of our fault too. We have another offer out that would be a much better fit -- and we bid much more aggressively this time. We'll see...
And as we suspected, we were not chosen Prom Queen. Back to the drawing board.
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