Well, OK, not exactly. What I did do was write a chapter in a book. Still a pretty big deal to me (and, I'm sure, to my mom).
A Cup of Culture and a Pinch of Crisis is a compilation of stories about travel, foreign countries, and food - topics that many foreign service officers (myself firmly in this camp) sometimes get a little obsessive about. I am so incredibly grateful to Tales From a Small Planet editors who invited me to join this group of much more accomplished writers, and give my my first, and perhaps not only, taste of publishing.
A Cup of Culture and a Pinch of Crisis is a compilation of stories about travel, foreign countries, and food - topics that many foreign service officers (myself firmly in this camp) sometimes get a little obsessive about. I am so incredibly grateful to Tales From a Small Planet editors who invited me to join this group of much more accomplished writers, and give my my first, and perhaps not only, taste of publishing.
This is the link for the paperback: https://www.amazon.com/Cup- Culture-Pinch-Crisis-Planet/ dp/1534772227/ref=sr_1_2?ie= UTF8&qid=1468601624&sr=8-2& keywords=a+cup+of+culture+and+ a+pinch+of+crisis
This is the link for the Kindle edition: https://www.amazon.com/Cup- Culture-Pinch-Crisis-Planet- ebook/dp/B01IGLQ8K0/ref=sr_1_ 1?ie=UTF8&qid=1468601624&sr=8- 1&keywords=a+cup+of+culture+ and+a+pinch+of+crisis#navbar
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