(stock photo)
Terry returned from a weekend in PA with four or five full bags of produce. Some of it was local, farmer's market. The cauliflower he brought home was the best cauliflower I have ever eaten. 24 hours later I am still thinking about it.
On the other hand, he brought home two plastic quart containers of Driscoll's strawberries, looking exactly like the strawberries I can find in any of the 6 large and medium sized grocery store chains within a 5 mile radius of my home.
I don't know where Driscoll's is, but it probably had to go through DC on its way to Pennsylvania. However, somehow, the freshness, taste and general quality was significantly better than anything I can find in DC. Given the aforementioned overstock of grocery stores in my neck of the woods, this is not a "supermarket desert". It is a quality food desert.
Can anyone suss out why on earth this is the case?