Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gratitude #12

12. I am thankful for the endorphins that rush through me when I go for a good run (well, I'm just getting back into things, "good" is 2 miles). I am finally back into it regularly enough that I feel grouchy when it's been too many days. I love how the human body can let us know what's good for us when we pay attention to it!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Turning the corner

Last night Alex stopped coughing after about 30 minutes post-bedtime. Today she slept past the "alarm" so I had to wake her for school. We've been here before. When her health starts to improve, and her attitude too (because who can be happy while coughing all the time, waking up from the coughing, sore throat, interrupted conversations and even thoughts?)

And in a few weeks we need to take this away from her, yet again, so we can try to find the real cause and help her live a life where she isn't coughing all day every day.

But for today, let's celebrate a good night's sleep, and a decent level of confidence that tonight will see more of the same.

Friday, October 5, 2007

I'm waddling

So last night my mom (who arrived almost 2 weeks ago, you know, in case the baby came early) was on the phone with a friend of hers and made a comment about how I had just waddled into the kitchen and got ice cream for myself without even asking if she wanted anything. I protested that I don't waddle, and Terry was off giggling in the corner. "What, I waddle?" Apparently it started last week. He was relatively sweet about it, pointing out it took me 39 weeks to get there, but yes I do walk like a duck/pregnant woman.


Still no baby. I got to hear another story yesterday of a woman for whom, with both of her children, she went from nothing to delivery in about 3 hours. So I do have some hope. Maybe baby will come today.

On a side note, we recently discovered that the unique flower and fruit in our yard is passion fruit. Once you know what it is, it is really easy to look it up. Check it out, the flower looks like an alien. Unfortunately, ours doesn't seem to be very edible. Or at least tasty. Terry yelled at me when I wanted to taste it so I made him do it. Some of our trees are also filling up with what are clearly citrus fruits, it remains to be seen if any are edible.